Prison healthcare tenders

Sector: Health in Justice
Client: Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Services provided: Bid preparation, bid writing support.

Benefits delivered

HealthcareBids has worked with Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust since June 2014 and has helped its Health in Justice team to win several integrated prison healthcare tenders.

Prison Healthcare

Each prison healthcare service supports the holistic care needs of offenders, from reception to release or transfer. This requires a whole suite of services to be delivered for each prison, typically including primary care, mental health and learning disability, integrated substance misuse, dental services, optometry, pharmacy and medicines management, and sexual health and genitourinary services. Health promotion and prevention also play important roles within prison healthcare.

Successful Tender Submissions

HealthcareBids helped Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust develop the winning tenders for new integrated healthcare contracts for offenders at:

  • HMP Whitemore, Cambridgeshire.
  • HMP Littlehey. Cambridgeshire.
  • HMP Bedford, Bedfordshire.

We also helped the Trust successfully defend its integrated healthcare contract at HMP Onley.

Gordon King, Deputy Director, Mental Health Services, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said;

“We had tried for a number of years to secure additional prison healthcare contracts and, although we had come close, we hadn’t been selected as preferred bidder. Since HealthcareBids’ Sue Chescoe has been working with us, we have won three contracts in short succession and are looking forward to further success. She makes sure we are never complacent, and we have really benefited from her work ethic and standards.”

We will help you prepare an outstanding bid that demonstrates why you are best suited to win the contract. The bids we create regularly achieve the highest quality scores and deliver a superior success rate.

We will help you to drive organisational growth through bringing clear thinking, focus and direction to business development. We support both strategy setting and strategy implementation.

The insight HealthcareBids gains through working with you on a tender places us in an ideal position to provide a dedicated and experienced Project Manager to support your service mobilisation.

We will simplify the complexities of applying to a framework and guide you through the process, explaining every step and letting you focus on negotiating with your own suppliers and sourcing samples, certificates etc.

Get help with your bid or tender

Contact us using the phone number below and a member of our team will guide you through our processes and assess how we can help you.